Thursday, September 20, 2012

Balsamic Glazed Figs

Last week, I made a Fig and Goat Cheese Salad. I used fresh figs in that recipe, but while at the grocery store this week I found some dried figs and decided to give it them a try. I was curious of the differences between the two and came across an article which noted that dried figs have more protein than fresh ones. 
Armed with my protein powered dried fruit, I was in search of a recipe to use the figs in. My fiancee loves a good cheese plate, so I took a cue from my salad recipe and made some balsamic glazed dried figs to go along with some Manchego and Colby cheeses. She loved it, and the sweet figs nicely offset the cheeses.

In three easy steps, you can make these figs for your own cheese plate: (1) heat a tbsp of balsamic vinegar and a tsp of honey over a medium-low heat, (2) halve a half dozen dried figs and add to the pan, and (3) cook for several minutes until the honey and vinegar caramelize the figs.

Try these sweet treats on your next cheese plate or along with some vanilla ice cream. Enjoy! 

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