Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lentils with Green Beans and Grilled Chicken

Quick, easy, always good. Lentils are a favorite of mine any time of year. Hearty soups in the winter, fresh salads in the summer, lentils add a something extra to a meal, and with 30% of their calories coming from protein they are healthy for you too.

In Italy, eating lentils on New Year's Eve symbolizes the hope for a prosperous new year, I say why only hope for prosperity once a year!

With the summer heat setting in, a heavy portion of lentils doesn't sound all that refreshing, but I have a suggestion for you - cook it like a risotto. Coat the beans with some butter and oil over a medium-low heat for 2 to 3 minutes then slowly add small portions of vegetable stock to the pan, stirring regularly and adding stock as needed for around 15 minutes. Add some fresh diced tomato and onion before turning off the heat. Serve as a side to some boiled green beans and char grilled chicken. Enjoy!

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